
Celebrating 125 Years of Sigma Sigma

Sigma Sigma 125 years logo on a black background

125 Years of Sigma Sigma

What a weekend! Gratitude for the more than 600 brothers and guests who participated in the 125th anniversary celebration, April 12-13, 2024. Many thanks to everyone who helped make it possible — our volunteers, donors, university, and the generations of brothers before us; our spouses, partners, and significant others… for putting up with us. In celebrating Sigma Sigma, we celebrated the University of Cincinnati. We hope we delivered, and that the experience “filled your mug” with pride and enthusiasm for our Order and Alma Mater.

Last Call to Support

Generous support from donors to our 125th fund allowed us to cover overhead expenses and underwrite registration costs, helping to ensure that no brother was deterred from attending due to financial hardship. Active brothers and their dates were able to attend complimentary. We hosted University leadership and other special guests. We completed separate fundraising campaigns for the Rock of Truth and renovation of Huck Hall. And yet another one of our goals was to have surplus funds remaining from the 125th to benefit the Danny Dell Scholarship.

Thank you, brothers, who already committed to specifically support the 125th above and beyond the “price of admission.” Every gift in any amount is appreciated, yet we should draw special attention to brothers R. Thornburgh ’73 and J. Williams ’73, who both provided leadership commitments. AMGIS and RBH9 stock clubs provided similar, collective gifts. Other top donors to the 125th include J. Kelce ’09, G. Lessis ’82, G. Osterfeld ’81, S. Oyler ’00, A. Roehr ’78, R. Thornton ’99, R. Theryoung ’66, and C. Zahumensky ’97. Hear! Hear!

With these considerations in mind, if willing and able, we ask brothers to answer the call one last time to donate to the 125th. Stock and donor-advised fund gifts can be accepted. All gifts count towards annual and lifetime UC Foundation giving, 100% tax-deductible.


W. Abernethy ’63 T. Humes ’69 E. Prenger ’96
J. Albachten ’85 D. Hundley ’92 A. Quimby ’63
J. Allen ’90 E. Jacobs ’80 D. Reigle ’65
N. Anderson ’14 Karen Jacobs D. Rice ’62
M. Baker ’99 R. Kandell ’07 J. Richards ’06
C. Ballard ’69 J. Keating ’85 R. Richardson ’01
B. Barney ’13 B. Keefe ’14 G. Roberson ’06
J. Barone ’85 J. Keenan ’03 A. Roehr ’78
B. Bartolovich ’22 J. Kelce ’09 J. Rogers ’00
A. Barton ’03 J. Kelly ’74 J. Rosenacker ’09
N. Baughman ’00 J. Kemper ’21 G. Rubin ’93
D. Becher ’91 D. Kihm ’97 B. Rudie ’90
B. Bennie ’06 R. Kimbler ’72 R. Rybolt ’96
D. Bennie ’67 B. Ko ’12 J. Scherpenberg ’13
D. Berardi ’05 J. Kostura ’05 E. Schmidt ’88
R. Best ’08 G. Krehnbrink ’12 C. Schneider ’82
K. Bjornson ’92 M. Kroeger ’11 J. Schwab ’65
M. Bornhorst ’87 A. Krueger ’89 T. Shaw ’81
M. Bova ’13 B. Kuhlman ’19 P. Shepardson ’66
B. Brenner ’96 G. Kwiat ’82 K. Shoemaker ’08
J. Brown ’00 J. Lame ’12 M. Shoemaker ’73
M. Buckenmeyer ’97 D. Lance ’84 D. Shoup ’90
O. Budig ’55 P. Lanham ’08 G. Simmons ’76
G. Butler ’23 S. Lee ’08 C. Sims ’10
V. Caldwell ’03 J. Leonard ’02 R. Sisko ’82
D. Carmichael ’64 G. Lessis ’82 D. Smith ’87
C. Carper ’90 S. Lieberman ’62 D. Smith ’09
P. Carr ’06 M. Linger ’11 R. Smith ’76
R. Carroll ’80 S. Lohrum ’80 K. Snider ’09
I. Clark ’92 T. Lolli ’09 T. Spencer ’89
E. Clinkenbeard ’10 D. Long ’73 B. Stallworth ’89
A. Coleman ’01 N. Loukas ’99 B. Stephens ’09
P. Collins ’88 D. Macejko ’70 D. Stigamier ’01
S. Cox ’14 T. Macejko ’66 S. Stiver ’83
S. Crone ’84 P. Manolukas ’78 B. Sullivan ’86
C. Dalambakis ’80 J. Martz ’78 D. Sullivan ’07
D. Danneman ’22 J. McBurrows ’04 S. Sullivan ’08
M. Dever ’00 R. Medina ’98 M. Taney ’89
J. Dolinski ’97 G. Menchhofer ’67 D. Tepe ’12
L. Edgar ’10 M. Mercurio ’70 R. Theryoung ’66
W. Edwards ’00 M. Mezinskis ’04 R. Thornburgh ’73
J. Emery ’88 G. Miller ’06 R. Thornton ’99
A. Emmert ’80 M. Miller ’22 H. Trostle ’99
W. Esterly ’94 W. Miller ’80 B. Trubach ’17
T. Fallon ’79 J. Moine ’95 J. Tsai ’05
D. Fatica ’72 J. Momper ’63 N. Van Uum ’81
N. Festa ’97 C. Morbitzer ’12 R. Venkat ’16
R. Fogarty ’73 J. Moss ’07 S. Vensil ’09
M. Fogel ’81 W. Mulvihill ’69 D. Vu ’06
T. Forte ’12 K. Neumann ’02 S. Walston ’08
M. Freeman ’90 J. Niemann ’84 G. Warhop ’83
R. Friedman ’88 S. Ogle ’88 J. Waterbury ’18
S. Glaser ’81 W. Ogle ’87 D. Watkins ’88
T. Gleason ’81 J. Olds ’03 R. Weidner ’16
L. Gonzalez ’77 N. Orphan ’68 T. Weikert ’85
S. Gravenkemper ’79 G. Osterfeld ’81 J. Weis ’85
J. Greiwe ’83 J. Osterman ’51 S. Wenderfer ’69
A. Guenther ’14 A. Oyedeji ’09 C. White ’09
J. Hagner ’67 S. Oyler ’00 M. Wideman ’97
L. Hart ’12 G. Pancero ’09 D. Williams ’77
J. Hartmann ’87 R. Parikh ’02 J. Williams ’73
J. Haverkamp ’04 S. Peck ’06 S. Wilson ’65
M. Heggem ’80 K. Perry ’88 M. Wood ’10
J. Hendricks ’87 M. Pickett ’83 S. Wunder ’74
B. Hopple ’74 R. Pontsler ’09 M. Yung ’05
R. Hopple ’69 A. Pontsler ’12 C. Zahumensky ’97
T. Howison ’77 R. Posey ’84 Z. Zitko ’96
D. Huber ’88 G. Powell ’83 B. Zureick ’07
B. Hue ’74    

Donor commitments as of May 1, 2024.

Sigma Sigma 125th Anniversary Event

Photos are Live!

If you haven’t already seen, pictures from the weekend are available online to download (free) and to purchase prints. Find your glamour shot at the banquet or catch candids of yourself rolling dice or cutting a rug. O, tempora! O, mores! Oh has it come to this? Thanks to brother C. Herriott ’19 and his team with LOSPRODUCTIONS.

125th Video

And another cheers to brother C. Herriott ’19 for filming and producing our 125th video, which premiered at the Saturday banquet. We hope it offered a heartfelt glimpse into, and reminder of, our rich history and brotherhood. Thanks also to brother S. Peck ’06, who assisted with the project, and to all the brothers and friends of Sigma Sigma who participated in the video. Might have an extended director’s cut floating around somewhere…

125 years on, The Torch Still Burns and the Hammers Still Ring!

Rob Thornton ’99  President

Rob Thornton ’99

Russell Best ’08  125th

Russell Best ’08

Headshot of Victoria Kuhlman, A&S '15, '21

Victoria Kuhlman, A&S '15, '21

Senior Director, Alumni Engagement 
