
Nursing Dinner with Bearcats 2025

Friday, April 11
5:30-7:30 p.m.

Hotel Celare
310 Straight St.
Cincinnati, OH

The upcoming Nursing "Dinner with Bearcats" is an opportunity for alumni to join current graduating BSN seniors and fellow alumni for an evening of networking and socializing. You can interact with the graduating seniors to help inspire and engage with the next generation of Bearcat nursing leaders.

Keynote Speaker and Ohio State Rep. Rachel Baker, PhD ’03, ’06 will reflect upon her nursing career and transformative path to the state legislature. The evening will also include a testimonial from the Nursing Senior Class President, a college update from Dean Alicia Ribar, and an alumni panel of our most recent Elizabeth Kemble Alumni Nursing Award recipients including Latrice Behanan ’04, ’15, Deanna Hawkins, DNP ’01, ’03, and Tracey Yap, PhD ’08. 

Registration includes a plated dinner and two drink tickets. Advance registration is requested by April 4.

Registration fees collected will support the College of Nursing Scholarship Fund. The tax-deductible portion of the registration is $0. The tax-deductible portion of each ticket is
determined by the fair market value.

*This program is a part of the Alumni Success Series featuring UC alumni with subject matter expertise on a variety of topics. The information provided within this program is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, medical, financial, investment, tax, or any other form of advice. The opinions, viewpoints, and beliefs expressed belong to the presenter(s) alone and are not those of the University of Cincinnati Alumni Association, UC Foundation, UC or UC Health.  The information is provided “as is;” no representations are made that the content is error-free, and any reliance or actions taken or not taken based on the information contained in this program is solely at your own risk.

Headshot of Megan Buchheit

Megan Buchheit

Program Director, Alumni Engagement, College of Allied Health Sciences, College of Nursing & James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy
