
Bearcats on The Grid: UCLAN

Saturday, Sept. 16
4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
(Prior to UC vs. Miami, Kickoff: 7 p.m.)

The Grid - Campus Green
2600 Clifton Ave.
Cincinnati, OH

Registration for this event has closed. Please contact Maurice Stewart with questions.

Join the UC Latino Alumni Network on The Grid on Saturday, Sept. 16 to celebrate UC football and the start of Hispanic Heritage Month. We will be located at Grid Spots 71 & 72 starting at 4:30 p.m. Come meet UC Latino Alumni Network leaders Gloria Forsythe, A&S ’95, and Pamela Mallory, CAHS ’09, to learn how you can get involved in upcoming activities.

While this event is complimentary, we ask that you register by Thursday, Sept. 14 so we know how many Bearcats to expect. Football game tickets are not available through the Alumni Association. Please visit to purchase home game tickets. Call the UC Ticket Office with any questions at 513-556-2287.

Headshot of Maurice Stewart, A&S '16

Maurice Stewart, A&S '16

Director, Alumni Engagement
