
Chats with 'Cats: Pharmacy Dean's Edition

Thursday, Oct. 24
6:30 - 8 p.m.

Registration is now closed.

You're invited to "Chats with 'Cats: Pharmacy Dean's Edition" with Dean Christopher Surratt. Join us for an opportunity to engage with the dean, get updates on the college, and ask your questions.

Already know what you’d like to ask? Submit questions in an email to Shelley Johnson so we can be sure they are addressed!

RSVP by Monday, Oct. 21 to ensure you receive the virtual link to be sent out the day prior to the event.

Headshot of Megan Buchheit

Megan Buchheit

Program Director, Alumni Engagement, College of Allied Health Sciences, College of Nursing & James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy
