Volunteer with the UC College of Nursing
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the UC College of Nursing. Alumni like you provide our students with vital personal and professional development opportunities. Please consider volunteering with the college to make a positive difference with CON students.
Please review the following ways that you can get involved with the college and register using the online form if you would like to volunteer for any of the opportunities described here.
Contact Gage Woolley, CAHS '15, Program Director, Alumni Engagement, College of Nursing at woollegb@foundation.uc.edu or 513-556-6466.
Promote, attend and assist at alumni and student networking or fundraising events on or off campus. Events in need of alumni volunteers include: HESI testing, Alumni Weekend, Homecoming, White Coat Ceremony and annual Scholarship Dinner.
Share your experience with students by joining an on-campus career panel of speakers.
The College of Nursing Alumni Council is looking for alumni to join lead the continuous efforts of the association. Maintaining scholarship and recognizing academic achievement, leadership and service as well as increasing the visibility of the college are all high priorities for the council.
Dinner with Bearcats is an opportunity for UC alumni to host UC students or fellow UC alumni for an evening of networking and socializing. Alumni interact with their guests and are able to inspire and engage with the next generation of Bearcat leaders.
The College of Nursing developed a ladder mentor program with our BSN students, called iLEAD, where students took a personality and interest survey and were matched together into “nursing families” composed of one freshman, one sophomore, one junior and one senior. The students in each nursing family then met as a group a few times per semester to mentor each other and to do fun outings within our four focus areas of health and wellness, community service, and UC and college events.
Participate in holistic admissions process of possible incoming students. The interview process identifies non-cognitive indicators linked to specific desired attributes – as part of the admission process for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. Through these brief interviews, attributes often seen in great students, great nurses, great leaders and great employees can be identified in candidates.
Motivational Speakers are needed to speak at various events throughout the year. Share expertise and work experience with prospective nursing students. Shed light on why nursing was the right profession for you.
Our free webinar series provides continuing education opportunities for the entire health care community. We are always looking for alumni to share their research and topics of interest.
Gage Woolley, CAHS '15
Program Director, Alumni Engagement, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, College of Cooperative Education and Professional Studies, & Graduate College