'Bearcats in Action' Speed Networking Reception
Tuesday, March 4
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Teachers-Dyer Complex, Annie Laws
2610 University Cir.
Cincinnati, OH
Join us for Bearcats in Action: Speed Networking — an evening designed to connect, engage, and celebrate our Bearcat community. This unique event offers a chance to participate in meaningful conversations through structured speed networking, where alumni and students can share experiences, advice, and career insights. Enjoy a night of great connections while savoring dinner-by-the-bite and using your complimentary drink ticket to toast to new friendships and opportunities. Whether you're reconnecting with old friends or expanding your professional circle, this is the perfect opportunity to strengthen the criminal justice Bearcat legacy.
Gage Woolley, CAHS '15
Program Director, Alumni Engagement, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services & College of Nursing