
Engage with CECH: Dr. Lisa Huffman

Wednesday, March 26
4-6 p.m.

Teachers-Dyer Complex, Annie Laws Classroom
2610 University Cir.
Cincinnati, OH

You’re invited to join Dean Lisa Huffman and the CECH Alumni Network at our upcoming Provide and Protect Seminar. Learn how to provide for your family and protect them through this this complimentary session that will discuss retirement and estate planning. In addition, Dean Huffman will share insights into the future of the college and initiatives that alumni can impact. CECH student Ambassadors will be available to provide guided tours as well. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with our new leadership and celebrate the future of CECH. Registration includes a parking voucher, dinner-by-the bite, and two drink tickets.

Provide and Protect is a seminar offered free to our alumni and friends to assist with retirement and estate planning. While this is primarily an informational seminar, it does open the door to the possibility of including the university and the college in your estate planning. For those of you who might consider this, please know that these types of donations are incredibly impactful for our college. As we work to build more endowments and sustainable sources of funding for our students and programs, estate gifts often provide maximum impact with minimal up-front cost to the donor. There are a number of potential tax benefits to consider as well.  

Headshot of Gage Woolley, CAHS '15

Gage Woolley, CAHS '15

Program Director, Alumni Engagement, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, College of Cooperative Education and Professional Studies, & Graduate College
