BEARCATS/Lead: The Power of Framing
Tuesday, April 8
12-1:30 p.m. ET
Tangeman University Center - TUC 400AB
2600 Clifton Ave.
Cincinnati, OH
Virtual Option available
All UC alumni are invited to join the UC Alumni Association for a BEARCATS/Lead lunch and learn event during Alumni Week. Distinguished University Research Professor Gail Fairhurst, PhD will present a talk entitled "If I’m Talking, I Must Be Communicating: The Power of Framing."
In this talk, Dr. Fairhurst will focus on the power of language to shape context and how language use impacts leadership. Attendees will also learn how to diagnose their own sensitivities to language.
We're pleased to offer two registration options for this Alumni Week event:
- In-person option: Registration is $20 and includes a catered lunch buffet and on-campus parking validation. Attendees will have the opportunity to network with one another and connect with Dr. Fairhurst.
- Virtual option: Can't join us on campus? Virtual registration is complimentary. Attendees will receive a link to watch the talk in real time.
Advance registration is requested by Friday, April 4.
About Gail Fairhurst, PhD
Gail T. Fairhurst is a Distinguished University Research Professor of Organizational Communication at the University of Cincinnati, USA. She specializes in organizational communication processes, including those involving paradox, problem-centered leadership, and framing. She is the author of four books, including Performing Organizational Paradoxes (with L. Putnam), Discursive Leadership: In Conversation with Leadership Psychology, The Power of Framing: Challenging the Language of Leadership, and The Art of Framing: Managing the Language of Leadership (with R. Sarr). She is also the co-editor of the forthcoming, The Routledge Handbook of Organizational Leadership Communication (with G. Jian).
She has published over 100 articles and chapters in management and communication journals and books, including Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Human Communication Research, Communication Monographs, and Management Communication Quarterly. She is a Fellow of the International Communication Association, Distinguished Scholar of the National Communication Association, and Fulbright Scholar.
Dr. Fairhurst lectures and conducts workshops on such topics as organizational communication, organizational change, organizational culture, organizational paradox, and leadership. Most often, she is called upon to discuss her 2011 and 1996 books (The Power, Art of Framing) regarding how leaders and managers can be taught to use language more strategically to manage change and other important aspects of their work environment.
Dr. Fairhurst has done workshops, executive coaching, and/or keynotes for such organizations as: Reliability First, Merrill Lynch, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Alkermes Pharmaceuticals, McDonald’s Corporation, Boeing Corporation, Procter & Gamble, General Electric, U.S. Air Force, Kroger, Cincinnati Bell, Children’s Hospital of Cincinnati, State Farm Insurance, Fluor Daniel Corporation, Lenders’ Services, The Optimum Group, Flojo Industries, Institute of Supply Management, Special Libraries Association, Southwest Ohio Human Resource Association, and more.
This program is a part of the Alumni Success Series featuring UC alumni with subject matter expertise on a variety of topics. The information provided within this program is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, medical, financial, investment, tax, or any other form of advice. The opinions, viewpoints, and beliefs expressed belong to the presenter(s) alone and are not those of the University of Cincinnati Alumni Association, UC Foundation, UC or UC Health. The information is provided “as is;” no representations are made that the content is error-free, and any reliance or actions taken or not taken based on the information contained in this program is solely at your own risk.
Victoria Kuhlman, A&S '15, '21
Senior Director, Alumni Engagement