Class of 1971

Congratulations to the Class of 1971 for arriving at a great milestone as a Bearcat: 50 years since graduating from the University of Cincinnati!

The Class of ’71 bore witness to some of the most consequential events in world history during their formative years. Returning back to campus after the closure following the incident at Kent State University, students arrived to meet milestones in the university’s history, such as welcoming astronaut Neil Armstrong to the faculty ranks and the debut of women’s intercollegiate sports. 

This website is designed specifically to commemorate the class of 1971 members reaching their Golden Anniversary. You are also invited to join our Golden Bearcats Society Facebook group for more up-to-date news and happenings.

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One of the most memorable parts of each 50th anniversary reunion event is when the class is officially inducted into the Golden Bearcats Society. This is one of our most treasured communities of alumni, representing Bearcats who graduated 50-plus years ago. They are the keepers of our history and traditions, and it is so important to show them how much they mean to us.

If you would like to receive your official Golden Bearcats Society pin by mail, please sign up below. Once received, please wear yours with pride!

Class of 1971
at a Glance

Living Alumni

Cincinnati Area Alums

Total gifts to the University

Adams, Charles R

Ader, Thomas F

Alexander, Charles J

Alig, LeRoy A

Allen, Barbara A

Amann, Daniel C

Andrews, Mary E

Angst, Richard J

Applegate, Oral L

Aquino, Nestor

Araujo, Virginia F

Arbino, Tony C

Armstrong, David R

Armstrong, Linda G

Armstrong, Robert N

Arnold, Douglas C

Arnold, Douglas W

Arthur, William T

Artman, Don G

Ascher, Thomas R

Atwell, John H

Austin, Martha L

Ayers, Stephen T

Backhus, Stephen P

Baeckeroot, Paul T

Bagnall, Stephen P

Bailey, Frank T

Baker, John M

Baker, Richard J

Ballantine, Percy

Ballard, James M

Bankovskis, John J

Bardo, John W

Baringhaus, Robert C

Barkley, Alice E

Bart, David R

Bass, William H

Battle, Deborah M

Bauer, Gerald R

Bauer, Raymond L

Bearghman, Donald C

Becker, Carl M

Beckham, Barry L

Behlen, Anna J

Beischel, Jerry K

Beke, Sandor

Benison, Harvey W

Berg, Edward L

Berger, Pamela A

Berke, Rozalia

Berner, Robert A

Berry, Charles H

Betscher, Ruth A

Betz, Edward E

Bibus, Thomas W

Bierkoe, George

Bierman, Michael A

Bishop, Dennis W

Bivens, Allen L

Black, Helen C

Bley, Jeffery A

Blocher, Thomas R

Boberg, Kenneth G

Bodmer, Jean C

Bogen, Alan L

Bohrer, Judith A

Bolce, Louis H

Bolotin, Else K

Boncutter, George W

Bonds, Thomas L

Boone, Kenneth E

Booth, David A

Booth, Robert A

Bourquin, Mary A

Bower, Robert H

Brackney, Charles R

Brady, Robert P

Braeuning, Dennis U

Braum, Philip H

Brenner, Conrad J

Brewer, Lawrence F

Breyer, Maryann R

Bridges, James S

Brinkman, Thomas L

Brock, Sonya E

Brockman, Donald E

Brockman, George T

Broomfield, Johnnetta

Brothers, Richard L

Brown, James T

Brown, Leonard L

Brown, Marion A

Brown, Thomas F

Browning, Jack S

Brueckner, Roger L

Brummer, Drew A

Bucklin, Shirley A

Bullock, Gary K

Bunch, Michael J

Burdick, Bernard M

Burdick, Harry R

Burger, Richard B

Burkett, James R

Burns, Mary

Burton, Roger S

Butler, William A

Byers, Diane

Cagle, Dennis L

Caldwell, Ernest L

Calhoun, Dwight A

Callahan, William D

Campbell, Jo A

Campbell, Larry D

Campbell, Marvin E

Campbell, Ronald W

Cappel, Laurence R

Carnahan, John F

Carpenter, Kenneth E

Carroll, Daniel P

Cast, Valerita J

Cato, Lawayne L

Cawley, Patricia A

Chambers, Mary L

Chamblin, Paul W

Chapman, Omer E

Charkins, Marilyn S

Chen, Kun C

Cheng, George T

Chizer, Virginia G

Cho, Hyun J

Chow, Yuan, M0000036425dle

Church, David E

Cianciolo, Fred J

Clarkson, Anita P

Cleary, Charles A

Cleaver, Jack D

Cleeter, Dennis R

Clemons, Henrietta H

Cloppert, Thomas R

Clore, Jerry C

Coats, Vaughn D

Cochran, Kathryn P

Coffey, Thelma I

Cola, Gary G

Colina, Thomas L

Connor, Jill

Coogan, Gerald J

Cook, Erick L

Cook, Robert N

Cook, Thomas

Cooke, Richard E

Cooper, Lynda A

Cordrey, Lee O

Cornwell, James A

Correale, Robert M

Corso, Penny M

Cottrill, Carol M

Cowles, Shirley A

Cox, Gregory W

Coy, Francis A

Craige, Benjamin F

Crangle, James E

Crawford, Richard A

Creager, William F

Crisler, Doris A

Cserep, David G

Culman, William A

Cumby, William C

Cunningham, Ralph R

Curran, Vernon E

Curry, Regina W

Dahlmeier, James F

Dailey, Irene A

Dale, Gilbert R

Dalinsky, Samuel

Dalter, Joseph H

Daly, Thomas J

Dansker, Donna W

Daria, Charles A

Davenport, Charles A

Davis, Carol L

Davis, Gary L

Dayton-Cautley, Elizabeth F Dayton

Dean, Taylor

Deets, Carol A

Dehmer, William A

Denniston, Marilyn M

Depenbrock, James H

Dessauer, George A

Dewey, Grace L

Dietz, Robert A

Dinkelaker, John A

Dippery, Richard E

Dodge, Harry L

Doepker, Ronald B

Doerger, P R

Dome, Donald E

Donnelly, Jerre R

Donovan, LaConda J

Dorsey, Anne G

Down, William R

Doyle, James S

Doyle, Joseph F

Drozd, Charles J

Dubay, George G

Dudley, Dennis M

Dunn, Marjorie E

Eagan, John P

Eckart, Roy E

Edmonds, Paul

Edwards, Jerry M

Eilerman, Mary L

Einhorn, Lawrence M

Eisert, Elaine

Elam, Robert W

Elliott, Lawrence E

Elmore, Steven A

Emdin, Reabelle D

Enderly, Suzanne S

Engel, Lehman

Engstrom, David A

Erney, Norman E

Ertel, Billie D

Estes, Elliott M

Evans, James D

Exum, Mattie M

Faller, Kenneth R

Fallon, Orsen L

Farfsing, Jennifer A

Farrer, James A

Ferguson, Howard L

Fernandes, Rocque

Ferrier, Sandra F

Fields, Alan K

Fike, Carol F

Fingerman, Jeannette R

Fink, Shirley M

Firestone, Richard D

Fischbach, Howard P

Fitzpatrick, James T

Foegler, Frederick A

Forney, George M

Foster, Robert M

Fountain, Valma F

Foutch, William C

Frank, James W

Frantz, George E

Fridenmaker, David L

Fugazzi, John R

Fulford, Charles H

Fullam, Francis L

Fuller, Paul D

Gaines, Robert H

Gallon, Linda M

Games, Virginia K

Gardner, Donald E

Gardner, Ward

Garland, Paul B

Gartner, James W

Geary, Edward O

Geckle, Edward J

Gee, Jon W

Geier, Philip O

Geiser, Edward A

Gentry, Roy T

George, Thomas W

Gerstle, Stephen D

Gezymalla, Daniel J

Ghazala, Jean E

Giannestras, James D

Gibson, Dorothy H

Giglia, Frank J

Gilkison, Doris J

Gill, Catherine M

Gilliland, Daryl W

Glier, James H

Glossner, Kenneth E

Goettsch, Eric J

Golay, Barbara A

Golden, Richard A

Goldman, Stefan M

Goldstein, Miriam B

Gooden, Virginia L

Goodhart, Robert R

Gordon, Lois J

Gordon, Michael G

Gravenkemper, Robert E

Greathouse, Chester K

Green, Shelby M

Greenlee, Betty S

Greenway, Clarence D

Greenwell, Steve D

Greiner, Michael W

Griesel, J M

Griffith, Dan

Grundhoefer, Chester J

Gusweiler, Frederick H

Guthrie, Paul V

Haas, Frederick J

Hagen, William R

Hagerstrand, Karl D

Haggard, Daniel L

Hall, Carl L

Hall, Richard A

Hamilton, William D

Handley, Wayne P

Hanlon, Esther S

Hanneken, Mary P

Hannmann, Ralph A

Hansen, Jon M

Harbison, Margaret S

Hardaway, Thomas A

Hardin, Warren G

Hardy, Hershell

Hardy, James E

Hargrave, John W

Harr, Roger M

Harrington, Tommy G

Hart, Steven A

Hattemer, Elizabeth C

Havens, Al J

Havlik, Peter P

Hayes, Mary J

Hebauf, Michael

Hector, Adolph E

Heeg, James D

Heidelman, Charles E

Heilker, Jane A

Heindl, Robert J

Henderson, Wanda

Hengen, Lucille Y

Henry, Ronald O

Henson, Eldridge B

Hentz, Thomas E

Herald, William K

Herring, William D

Herrmann, Jon E

Herron, Dennis S

Herron, Michael W

Hess, Helen H

Hesselbrock, Jon T

Hettrick, Robert N

Hewan, Clinton G

Higgs, Jack M

Hill, Michael

Hill, Richard C

Hillard, John W

Hines, Pamela S

Hitch, Eva M

Hochendoner, Aloysius L

Hoffman, Ernest W

Hoffmann, John M

Hoffmann, Linda C

Hohman, Russell J

Holbrook, Lanny R

Hollenkamp, Timothy W

Holmes, Brenda J

Holzschuh, John R

Honnert, James E

Hoobler, George W

Hood, George S

Hopkins, Jean P

Horman, Deborah G

Horn, Kevin P

Horton, Dale W

Houillion, Paul L

Howard, Jane T

Howard, John P

Howell, Ralph R

Hubay, Charles A

Huber, Deiedre A

Hubiak, Richard J

Huhn, Sandra

Hull, Jacqueline M

Hull, Ralph W

Humphrey, Richard F

Hunley, Harold J

Hunter, Ann

Huston, Barbara A

Hutchinson, Donald L

Hwang, Jaw, M0000060583dle

Hypnar, Andrea J

Iglauer, Gene A

Illing, Joseph W

Ingram, William R

Insprucker, Raymond C

Irvin, Edward L

Ivins, Bruce E

Ivory, James M

Jackson, Curtis J

Jackson, Dennis L

Jaehnen, Robert G

James, Ronald E

Jamison, Alan W

Jenkins, Elnora M

Jenkins, Roger J

Jentes, Walter K

Johansmann, Walter J

Johnson, David L

Johnson, Donald W

Johnson, Keith W

Johnson, Melvin C

Johnston, Irene M

Jones, Donald P

Jones, Evelyn E

Jones, Frederick L

Jones, Gilbert L

Jones, Kathleen A

Jones, Michael A

Jones, Robert E

Jones, Timothy R

Jones, Walter M

Jordan, Ernest C

Jung, Larry R

Kahmann, Ruth F

Kallendorf, Charles E

Kao, Win

Keating, Neil J

Keeton, Deborah A

Kegler, Helen T

Keith, C, M0000061841dle

Kell, Bernadette A

Keller, Kenneth C

Kellner, William F

Kellogg, Charlotte R

Kelm, James S

Kendall, Sabra J

Kennedy, Lee M

Kenney, Robert F

Kenyhercz, Thomas M

Kerr, V B

Kessinger, Bernadine S

Kestenbaum, Kenneth A

Keyser, John D

Kiefer, Leonard B

Kim-Epstein, Young S Kim

King, David F

King, Patrick M

Kipp, Richard L

Kirsch, Katherine A

Kirwan, John F

Kiskaden, Nancy L

Kist, Paul

Klaene, Franklin A

Kleinmann, Janet S

Kleinoeder, Larry A

Klekamp, Thomas C

Kluesener, David R

Knaggs, Nelson S

Knapke, Charles J

Knauber, Joseph R

Knauf, Marguerite

Knippenberg, James C

Koelling, Nixie

Kolleck, Mathias L

Koller, Rosemary A

Korte, John E

Kowollik, Mathias M

Kreindler, James J

Kruchko, Susan L

Krupowicz, John J

Kubicki, Rita J

Kuechenmeister, James J

Kuhn, Henry T

Kunkel, Nathalie H

Langen, Dianne L

Larkin, John E

Laskey, Gregory L

Lasko, Richard

Laskowski, Karol L

Laubenthal, Jon M

Lawler, Helen G

Leach, Donald D

Lee, Brenda J

Lee, David G

LeHew, Roselyn J

Lelievre, Thomas W

Levin, Mark S

Levy, Helen E

Lewis, Jacqueline

Lewis, Norma E

Lienhart, William M

Lind, Harry W

Lindon, Nancy F

Lindsey, Donal F

Lindsey, Larry S

Lindsley, Dorothy T

Lipp, Nancy L

Littenhoff, James M

Livingston, Sylvia H

Long, Alan B

Long, Margaret S

Loos, Sharon E

Lorenz, Mary C

Love, Robert D

Luban, Susan D

Luedeke, Catherine M

Lusby, Lawrence L

Lutz, Patricia M

Lynch, John R

Lynn, Joseph A

Machlica, Frank J

Mackey, John B

Madama, Terry P

Madison, James H

Madsen, Jean M

Magee, Daniel A

Magidovitch, Revelle M

Magowan, Nena H

Major, Ralph D

Malone, William G

Malvic, Gjuro M

Mandell, Louise R

Mann, Stephen A

Manos, George P

Mantz, Michael A

Maphet, Carl L

Maranze, Harriette

Marcotte, Frederick A

Marcus, Barry S

Marine, Robert A

Markey, Thomas R

Marks, John C

Martin, Donald J

Martin, Linda P

Martin-Brown, Mary L Martin

Massel, David H

Matre, Robert P

Matre, Ronald L

Matthews, John M

Matuska, John A

Maul, Gerald F

Maxian, Richard M

Mayfield, Frank H

Mazzella, Shirley J

McCarty, Carla J

McClain, William A

McCourt, E, M0000041516dle

McCullough, Margaret A

Mcdonagh, Joann E

McGeorge, Terry R

McGlothin, David A

McGovney, C, M0000021795dle

McGregor, James B

McGuffey, William J

McHale, Damian W

McKay, Catherine B

McKeon, John W

McKibben, Michael L

McKibben, Sandra L

McKinney, Oral O

McMullen, Raymond D

McNay, Kathleen

McNece, William N

McPherson, Sylvester P

McSorley, Robert T

McWilliams, Joseph M

Meier, Charles F

Meily, William D

Meiners, Louis P

Meininger, Charles D

Menke, Kathleen S

Mercer, Sonja S

Mercier, Christopher

Merkel, Margaret F

Merryman, John S

Messina, Jacqueline L

Meyer, Channing R

Middendorf, John H

Miller, Dane A

Miller, Dennis C

Miller, George P

Miller, James D

Miller, Joan G

Miller, Michael D

Mills, Jonathan D

Minnich, John

Miot, Dan P

Moeddel, Thomas J

Moehring, Daniel A

Monschke, Douglas C

Montague, Thomas D

Moore, Frank R

Moore, Shirley M

Moore, Steven G

Moorman, James R

Morency, David C

Morgan, Sarah E

Moroney, Diane L

Morrow, Robert J

Morton, Thomas G

Moss, Daniel M

Mosser, Geoffrey B

Mounts, Robin L

Muchmore, Donald E

Multner, William H

Mumm, David D

Muntz, Marjorie W

Murray, James H

Murray, Richard P

Myers, Donna K

Myers, John A

Nagle, Jean S

Narburgh, Diane E

Neiheisel, Martha D

Nelson, James A

Nelson, June B

Nelson, Vera A

Nemann, Edward L

Neu, Carol J

Newman, Gilbert

Newman, Robert D

Nichols, John D

Nippert, Louis K

Nock, William T

Noday, Mary A

Noll, John A

Norris, Theresa

Nye, James O

Nye, Janet L

Oberschlake, Gary A

Oess, Margaret A

Ohl, John K

Oliver, Clifford J

Olomajeye, Joseph A

O'Reilly, Patricia

Ostapuck, John A

Oswald, Harriette H

Outcalt, Richard M

Owen, Howard E

Owens, Brent E

Parker, David N

Parker, Jeremy L

Parker, Raleigh

Parmentier, Gaza

Parnell, Ralph J

Pasley, William W

Patenaude, Mary T

Patterson, Erwin M

Patterson, Harry J

Patton, Robert L

Pearman, Fred C

Peckham, Charles W

Pegg, James J

Peirce, Sue

Pelstring, Raymond J

Pemberton, Woodrow W

Pendleton, Kenneth A

Penn, Allyce D

Penn, Cathy J

Penrod, Doris A

Peregrin, William C

Perkins, Kenneth L

Persensky, Julius J

Pesin, Michael S

Peterson, George E

Peterson, Kay L

Petock, Stuart J

Phillips, Charles E

Phillips, Kenneth L

Pitcher, Mary M

Planitz, Arthur R

Polk, Louis F

Power, George E

Powers, Ronald G

Presson, George C

Preston, Lucille A

Priedite, John V

Probala, James F

Pugh, Carl S

Pulman, Rhona E

Pumphrey, Ben H

Pursley, Virginia L

Racey, James M

Rader, Alan O

Radike, Martha J

Ragan, Nathan P

Rahe, Anna L

Ramsay, Marian

Rank, George A

Rapking, Lois C

Rea, Phyllis L

Reed, Linda S

Reichhardt, John F

Reider, Gaile

Reinert, Joseph P

Reinhardt, Bruce A

Reinicke, Lynn A

Renner, Mary A

Reynolds, Leota M

Rhodes, Dawn S

Rhoton, Mary E

Richards, Charles K

Richards, Constance E

Richardson, John B

Riedmiller, Michael E

Riegelsberger, George F

Ringenbach, Raymond M

Rippetoe, William E

Risse, Kenneth L

Robinson, Thomas W

Robinson, William T

Roche, Elva

Rockel, John E

Rockwood, Stacy F

Rogers, Dennis J

Rogers, John A

Rogers, Kenneth P

Romano, Ladson C

Romey, Roy L

Rosen, Merle A

Rosen, Ruth M

Rosen, William T

Rosenberg, Edwin S

Rosenblum, Harold M

Rosenfeld, Jerald A

Rosenfeld, Robert

Ross, Dennis G

Ross, Mildred K

Rowekamp, Kenneth L

Roy, Bill G

Roy, Henry O

Royal, Joseph B

Rublein, Walter J

Ruehlmann, Eugene P

Rutherford, Melvin L

Salsbery, Dorothy H

Sambi, Margaret A

Sandschulte, Frances J

Sarakatsannis, Charles T

Sasser, Bonnie J

Saura, Maria J

Schaefer, James A

Schaplowsky, Jean

Scheingarten, Stuart P

Scheuring, Mimi A

Schick, Ruth M

Schmidlin, Mary G

Schneider, Max J

Schneider, Stephen A

Schott, Milton B

Schroeder, Vernon P

Schubert, Arthur W

Schulte, Lester C

Schuster, John J

Schwartz, Joanne

Schweikert, Roman J

Schwemlein, George A

Schwenkner, Charles E

Schwieterman, James O

Scotty, John W

Segal, Richard S

Seibel, Richard J

Seitz, Robert H

Seligsohn, Aaron R

Sellers, Terrence K

Serio, Martha S

Sewell, Linda K

Sexton, Anthony

Sferro, Robert P

Shane, John M

Sharkey, Richard L

Sharpe, Gary T

Shaver, Richard L

Sheafer, David L

Shearer, Evelyn M

Shearer, James A

Shearer, Virginia L

Sherwood, Robert H

Shriver, Ellsworth H

Siddens, Edward H

Siegrist, Albert R

Silverman, Susan C

Simon, Robert A

Simpson, Lloyd T

Sloan, Frederick R

Sloan, Ruth A

Smedley, Herbert

Smith, H, M0000039739dle

Smith, John M

Smith, Leslie A

Snell, Robert O

Sowder, Barbara J

Sowder, James L

Sowder, Karen S

Spain, Jayne B

Spangler, Jessie B

Spencer, Gwendolyn L

Spencer, Louis J

Spitznagel, James F

Sroufe, Jacqueline K

Stacy, Paul N

Stange, Donald V

Starkey, Don F

Stary, Sonja G

Steger, Ronald L

Stenger, Donald J

Stephens, Charles E

Stepp, Elvin D

Stern, David L

Stevens, Patricia T

Stewart, Carlietta

Stoler, Carol L

Stone, Sylvia

Storer, Daniel L

Strait, Richard H

Streng, Joel A

Stroble, Edward C

Stromberg, Charles H

Stumin, Jack E

Stutler, Joseph H

Subramani, Jegarakshaga P

Suhr, Robert C

Sullivan, Eric R

Sumrall, Anna C

Sundin, Robert L

Sussberg, Stanton M

Swaim, James E

Swann, Francis R

Sweet, William D

Sweeterman, James B

Swillinger, Marlene W

Taft, William H

Tanis, Mary J

Taqui, Mohamed A

Tatarowicz, Laurence F

Tatman, James E

Tatum, Delores J

Taylor, Brent R

Taylor, Ervin L

Taylor, Rita N

Taylor, Ronald L

Tenbosch, Gerald J

Terris, Robert J

Terry, Betty J

Thellman, Elaine

Theuerling, Charles W

Thoeny, William E

Thomas, Mary C

Thomma, Robert W

Tiberghein, Jeanne H

Tiedeman, Kent

Timm, Carl E

Tivney, John L

Toerner, Richard

Toon, Russell C

Tosi, James G

Trapold, Brian A

Traut, Robert J

Trivedi, Amritlal J

Troy, Roger C

Trueblood, Opal L

Twyman, Jack K

Uible, Richard H

Valentine, William E

Valerius, Richard J

Vallery, E M

Valmore, Dorothy F

Valmore, Earl C

Vanatta, Gregory L

VanKirk, John E

Vanover, Norman R

Vaught, Michael L

Venard, L P

Verbryke, Mary A

Vernon, Etta E

Versurah, Vincent V

Vescio, Ann C

Vigneault, Jeanne A

Voelker-Ferrier, Margaret L Voelker

Vogel, Cedric W

Vogt, Jerome T

Von Bargen, Virginia Von

Von Spiegelfeld, Allen K Von

Vowell, George D

Waddell, Robert M

Wagner, David P

Wahl, Diane C

Wais, James D

Walker, Beulah K

Walker, Gloria S

Wallace, Diane H

Wallace, Robert O

Wallingford, Owen S

Walston, Donald C

Ward, Donald G

Ward, Rita J

Warman, Stan H

Warner, Thomas K

Warren, Ernest

Warren, Talmadge M

Wasserman, Jack F

Watson, Jack M

Weber, Harriet E

Weckstein, Norbert L

Weigold, Richard C

Weimann, Richard L

Weitzenkorn, Judith E

Wesley, Mary R

Wettstein, Robert A

Wickstrom, Richard V

Wiedeman, Janet

Wilder, Carol D

Wilger, James D

Wilkins, Charles E

Williams, Edward H

Wilson, David J

Wilson, Ethel C

Wilson, Glenn H

Wing, Lizabeth A

Winstel, William H

Witherup, Samuel H

Wolf, Gerald L

Wolfram, Gary S

Wolosin, Gary E

Wolpa, Patricia A

Wood, Donald E

Woodman, Jonathan J

Woods, Eugene

Woodward, Stanley

Woodworth, Mark A

Wright, Daniel E

Yarnell, George G

Yates, Coleen

York, Kenneth D

Youkilis, Linda H

Youkilis, Mike J

Young, Randy B

Zeiser, David W

Ziegenhardt, Edwin F

Ziegler, Catherine

Zulfacar, Asadullah